Wednesday, January 30, 2008

IT Service Contracts: How Do You Find the Best Ones?

In the technologically advanced world, IT service contracts can be found anywhere. But because there are so many computer service companies out there, finding the best company to provide IT service contracts for your particular business can be overwhelming.

How do you select the right company? Your choice of consultants providing IT service contracts depends largely on the goals of your company. Factors such as the size of your company and its geographic scope, along with how many computers are in your network will help determine what type of consultant you need to handle your IT service contracts.

Identifying Needs

Many computer services present you with the option of offering customized business solutions as a part of IT service contracts. These solutions can be anything from RAM and hard-drive upgrades to server overhauls. If you have your data all in one place but your production site is somewhere else, you will need a smooth way to connect your hubs. Similarly, if travel is a part of your business, you will need to be connected to important information globally while still protecting that information from infiltration by outsiders. All these factors will help determine what type of company offering IT service contracts you will need.

Once you are familiar with the type of IT service contracts a computer consultant provides and what you need for your business, you will find it much easier to locate solutions. Regardless of what you need, an IT consultant that is right for your company will give you IT service contracts that will meet your needs and exceed expectations.

Should You Seek The Best Price?

Like most other business solutions, with IT service contracts you get what you pay for, and the best contracts are not cheap. The high cost of the contracts is the main reason many business people choose to simply try to troubleshoot their own offices. Most often, going without IT service contracts ends up costing more than simply paying for a reliable one in the first place. If you find a trustworthy consulting firm that can set you up right from the beginning through the best IT service contracts, you can save money for the future that can be contributed to important items that will grow your business.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, helps computer consulting business owners get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too with free proven computer consulting secrets at http://www.ComputerConsulting101.comAnitra Blog52247
Alis Blog85344

Internet Marketing Training : My Personal Journey

A few months ago, if I had to put a banner on my site and was not given the full code I would have closed the site and looked for another site that gave the exact code so I could just copy and paste it into my site!!

Now that I have joined a program with excellent training and have my own domain, it is no problem now for me to save the banner to my hard drive, upload it to my hosting control panel, create the code and add the banner to my site!!! This may sound so simple to some, but for newbies to the net, who are over 50 and were not brought up with a mouse in one hand and a cell phone in the other, this is quite an achievement!

I guess the message here today is that it is never too late to learn if the desire to succeed on the internet is there. I have learnt more in the last 3 months than I have in the 4 years that I have been working on the net. But it is important to find a program that will provide you with excellent training, ongoing support and a forum where you can ask anything without feeling ashamed and receive advice from the top gurus in internet marketing who are prepared to share their knowledge and expertise in order to help others succeed.

Within 3 months of starting the training I have optimized my site myself and am enjoying top positions on Google, Yahoo and MSN (and other search engines) with some of my keywords. I have learnt some basic html and manage to make changes to my site as and when I want to. This sometimes takes time, but I am learning daily as I go along and seeing the results of my efforts in increased hits to my site and sign-ups, resulting of course in me generating web income.

Targeted web site traffic is the lifeblood of any online business and I have really had my eyes opened to the methods used by the top gurus. When I look back on how I used to try and generate traffic to my site, I sigh and realize why I could not generate enough traffic and sign-ups

I have learnt the importance of one-way links, back-links, link exchanges and have a very user friendly linking program installed on my site. You soon see and feel the sudden upsurge of the traffic coming in to your site from other sites. A major prerequisite in exchanging links with other sites is having the same niche or content as the other site. They should share a common subject so that there is continuity in the providing of service and information to what interests your target traffic. Exchanging links also boosts your chances of getting a high ranking in search engine results.

I have learnt to write articles as well! This may seem daunting to some, as it did to me initially, but when you are learning so much, seeing the results of your own efforts and your confidence begins to built, it is not so hard to put pen to paper! There are many freelance writers who are willing to write for you for a small fee, but to save money, it is wise to do those articles yourself. Be sure to include a resource box at the end of your article that can link them to your site. Write a little about yourself and your site. If you provide a light, information-laden and interesting article, they will go to your site for more.

Another interesting thing that I have managed to do is add Syndicated Content to my website, this was quite a challenge as I had to learn the difference between .php and .html pages, but with persistence and patience I now have continually updated Syndicated Content on my site which the search engines love!

Visitors to my site can subscribe to my really interesting and informative Online Home Business and Website Marketing Secrets Newsletter with Income Generating tips and tricks. I also use a top Auto-responder to take care of the subscribers and to ensure they receive all copies of the Newsletter and should they wish to unsubscribe they can do so with one click. The auto-responder was even set up for me with preloaded messages!

I have to mention that I have also learnt to set up my own Blog and edit it as I please. You can have a look at it here:

I have barely touched on all that I have learnt in the last few months and it truly is an exciting journey at the moment, knowing that each day I will become more knowledgeable and tech-savvy. My journey started here - and I hope, that by relating my internet marketing training journey so far, I have been able to pass on some tips and give hope to those just starting out on the internet.

Cynthia Minnaar, works from home online generating income from the web with Legitimate Online Home Business Opportunities. www.cyns-home-biz.comCarmen Blog36677
Ashlan Blog71048

Titanium Wedding Ring For Men

Titanium has been on the market for ring bands for only a few years now. Yes, some of the bands combine gold with titanium. Titanium is an extremely light weight but quite durable and hard metal. Still, titanium will eventually scratch a little. Gold as an inlay or added "band" to the ring will wear much more quickly but may be more easily restored than can the titanium.

First, make sure you have white gold and not yellow. Both colors of gold are used as additions on titanium rings. To check, you need to clean any possible tarnish from the gold to see what the color truly is. White gold can turn a yellowish color but generally not so yellow as yellow gold. Use a paste of baking soda or a good jewelry polishing cloth of the type to remove tarnish and rub the ring. If white gold, the yellowish tarnish should come off and show the true color.

If not, likely the gold is yellow to start. Yes, the gold will look differently against titanium than with metals of other colors. I cannot say that white gold would look yellow since the rings I have seen look either yellow or white, depending on the original color of gold. White should look whiter, in my opinion.

Still, the white may be tarnished to a yellow tinge especially if of low karat such as 375. Generally, the gold applied to titanium in the usa is at least 14k, 585 and not the lower 9kt you mention. I assume you are in a British part of our world. If made for sale in the UK, 9kt is a possibility but generally the gold is of higher karat on titanium rings.

Refinshing the ring. Unfortunately, with the innate hardness of titanium even in jewelry alloys, home polishing will not restore the ring. You will need to visit a jeweler and ask that the ring be refinished. This is possible using aggressive buffing compounds on a motorized buffing machine. The compound must be aggressive to remove scratches from the hard metal. The jeweler must be quite careful to avoid too much polishing of the gold since that metal is much softer and could be buffed to a thin condition.

The jeweler will likely use a hard felt buffing wheel which will allow proper cutting of the titanium and is sharp edged enough to control the contact of the wheel with the gold section. The aggressive polishing is followed with finer compounds and lastly perhaps with a "green rouge" which will polish both the titanium and gold at the same time.

If the gold is white but tarnished to a yellow tinge, you may ask the gold area be plated with rhodium, a very hard and durable white metal often used to preserve white color in white golds. The jeweler may plate the gold only and avoid the titanium since you certainly do not want it to be plated with a white color!

This is done by masking or covering the titanium with a lacquer, red fingernail polish preferred since it is easy to see the start and end of the protective mask of lacquer. Then, using a simple electroplating bath, the rhodium is applied and will help keep the white gold white for a longer period of time. If after the first buffing to restore the luster, you may decide not to have the rhodium plate done. That is also a fine choice.

I am sorry there is not an "at home" remedy to repolish the titanium. The metal is simply too hard to polish without motorized buffing with the proper buffing wheel and polishing compounds. I do hope you enjoy the ring. Resizing is a problem and the titanium may be stretched or perhaps compressed about 1/2 finger size at the maximum. Cutting and adding or cutting to size down is not possible for the jeweler.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for is the best place to buy engagement rings, wedding rings, and diamond rings. Browse through our selection of wedding jewelry and engagement rings here: Blog26504
Catlaina Blog50059

Making Money Online: Facts, Myths, and Lies

People are flocking to the internet by the millions, seeking a way to make money online. Some are only looking to make extra money to help pay bills, provide for their childrens college, or supplement their retirement. Many are seeking to make enough money to quit their job and make a fulltime living from home.

While all these goals are certainly achievable online, you need to know the facts about making money online. Without knowing the facts, you will be victim to the myths and lies that are prevalent in this industry.

The Facts:

If you are new to internet marketing, full of hope and excitement, you may not want to hear this, but 95% of all internet marketers fail. Is it really that hard to make money online? No, but its not that easy either. The good news is that you can be part of the 5% that are successful.

But you need to know why 95% fail, and more importantly, you need to know what the other 5% do differently to succeed.

So why do 95% fail? Well, there are many reasons people fail online, but here are the top 3 in my mind:

Ignorance: People simply have no clue how to make money online. There is a huge learning curve in this industry.

Can you imagine what would happen if hospitals recruited surgeons off the street without experience? What would the mortality rate be? At least 95%! Starting an online business without knowing what you are doing is the same thing. Ok, so nobody looses their life from a failed business. But you could easily loose your life savings. You should make educating yourself in this industry one of your top priorities.

Lack of Driving Desire: Many people dream of the financial freedom they can have through their own online business.

But few are ready to make the commitment necessary to realize their dream. This business takes work. It is an emotional rollercoaster full of ups and downs. If you dont have a real burning desire to drive you through the obstacles and challenges, you will not make it. Rate your desire to succeed from 1 to 10. If youre not at least an 11, forget it.

Now Im not trying to frighten you out of your dream, but you need to be honest with yourself. This is a great business. It not only rewards you with financial freedom, it really develops you personally as well. The best reward this business gives is the person you become in the process.

But you have got to want it so badly that you will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Disillusionment: People fail when their unrealistic expectations are not met. They become disillusioned and quit. In fact, the only way you will ultimately fail is to quit.

As long as you keep learning and applying what you learn, you can ultimately succeed. This is the key to success in any endeavor. But the minute you quit, you fail. So dont quit.

Now lets talk about what it takes to have a successful home business online?

Essentials for Success:

Education: I know I already mentioned this, but it is that important. Building an online business without knowing what you are doing is like performing surgery on yourself.

Youre going to get hurt. Im not saying you cant do anything until you learn everything. In fact, a big part of your ongoing education will come from doing.

Simply invest time and money in your education as you go.

If you are going to use traffic exchanges, learn about how to use them effectively. If you are setting up an auto responder, read what you can about auto responders and how to write an effective series. And if you are going to use Google AdWords, you had better learn how first.

Dont deprive your education because you dont want to pay for a book, course, guide, or whatever. If you learn just one thing from a course that helps make you money, then that one thing will be worth far more over time than the cost of the course. One of my favorite sayings goes, If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

Mindset: Your thoughts are real things, and they are powerful! But they can destroy you just as easily as they can serve you. Invest in a copy of Napoleon Hills best seller, Think and Grow Rich. Read it. Successful People are always reading.

You need to learn to control your thoughts and emotions in this business. You need to be positive. You will face many disappointments and challenges on the road to success. It really matters whether you believe you can succeed or not.

Because whichever way you believe, youre right.

Never blame someone else or some program for your lack of success. Take ownership of your success. Your success is entirely dependant upon you.

A Hot Product or Service: This may seem obvious, but if you are going to be successful, you need a product or service people actually want. It needs to be something of real value. Stay away from fads that only last a short while.

You dont need your own product or service. You can sell someone else as an affiliate. Or you can build a business reselling digital products. Whichever way you go, its important to due your due diligence. Research the demand for your product/service.

A Target Market: This goes hand in hand with a hot product/service. If there is a demand for what you are selling, then there is a market. But who is your market.

Who would want your product? It is important to identify or target your market as precisely as possible. Otherwise, you will waste valuable resources marketing to people with absolutely no interest in your product or service. Dont try to sell steak to a vegetarian.

Define your market by asking questions. Some questions to ask are: Whats their gender? How old are they? What do they do for a living? How much money do they make? Where in the world do they live? Define your customers as completely as you can.

Thats your target market.

An Effective Marketing System: Now that you have a hot product, and have identified your market, you need an effective means to bring the two together. Im not going into a discussion of all the different ways to market a product online, but I do think it is important to understand what an effective marketing system is, and how to develop one.

An effective marketing system is one that gives a reasonable return on investment (ROI). It not only needs to produce results, it needs to produce enough results to justify continuing with it. Also, your marketing has to be geared towards building your list of contacts. You will here a million times: the money is in the list. Building a list of contacts is not just important to your business; it is your business.

Set a marketing budget and stick to it. As you begin to make some profit, reinvest it into your business and increase your marketing efforts. Make a plan designed around your budget.

There are many free and paid ways to market. Decide on a mix that fits your budget.

Also, set a schedule and stick to it.

Setting a schedule with well defined tasks will help you to stay focused and increase your productivity. Don't over do it. You dont want to try and build Rome in a day. Dont neglect your home, while building your home business. Once you have your plan, work it consistently.

Domain Name and Hosting: Even if you are planning on selling someone elses product as an affiliate, you will want to invest in a domain name and hosting. Your domain is you own address (URL) on the internet. I recommend Their prices are very reasonable, and the service is excellent.

Once you have your domain, you will need to host it someplace.

I recommend using Host4Profit. They have excellent customer service, and an easy to use control panel, all at reasonable rates.

Now why would you need a domain and hosting if you are selling someone elses product? You will eventually want to use Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. PPC search engines will not allow you to advertise someone elses site. You will need to set up a landing page that will send your visitors to your affiliate page.

You can also design and host splash pages for traffic exchanges.

You can set up email addresses on your domain, which will help give you a professional look.

Bottom line is, if you want to be successful online; you will eventually need your own website. For a great deal on your own website, click the link in the resource box at the bottom of this article.


Get Rich Quick: Many people think that they are going to get rich quick online. It takes the average person 3 to 4 years before they start to make any real money online.

Do you have to spend 3 to 4 years to make real money online?

No, you can do it much quicker if you know how. Its just that it takes the average person 3 to 4 years to learn how.

It also takes time to develope a large network of contacts and steady traffic to your website.

The simple truth is that building a long lasting, profitable business online takes time and effort.

You Have to be a Computer Geek: You dont have to be a computer geek.

However, you should have basic computer skills. I would also suggest investing a little time in learning HTML. What is HTML? HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language that browsers read.

Websites and many emails are written in HTML. You dont have to master HTML, but a basic understanding is very helpful.

You Have to Invest a lot of Money: You dont need a lot of money to get started. You do of course need a computer and an internet connection.

But beyond the hardware, you can start for next to nothing. However, to reach your goals you will need to invest more money.

The key is to focus on your plan and stay in your budget. Expand your budget as you begin to earn some money. Reinvest everything you earn at first. This way you can start a business on a shoestring budget and use your earnings to build it big.


Money Without Work: There is no such thing. Even a crook has to work to rob you. Heres a very true saying: The only place you can find money before work is in the dictionary. An honest business requires an honest effort.

Scams: There are all kinds of scams out there that prey upon the desperate, ignorant, and greedy. It is important to do the proper due diligence before joining any money making program or service. Here are a few tips to help you spot and avoid these internet lowlifes:

One thing that should get your B.S. alarm ringing is outrageous claims.

We all know that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Yet we still fall for wild promises. If someone tells you that for a price you can make $10,000 in a month, RUN. If they guarantee it, RUN FASTER. Evaluate claims with your own good sense, and dont let greed get the better of you.

Another sure sign of a scam is if there is no real product or service of value.

Whenever you talk about multi-level marketing, someone always asks the question: Isnt that a pyramid scheme? The truth is, almost all effective organizations, whether business or government, are pyramid shaped. This is so for the same reason wheels tend to be round. It really is the most efficient structure.

What makes a pyramid scheme a scam, is that there is nothing of real value flowing down the pyramid, only money flowing up. Everyone at the top makes money, everyone else pays for it. I only deal with programs that offer a product or service that I find valuable.

Check their customer service. Send an e-mail, or call them. If you get no response, run and never look back. Even if you get a response, what kind of response was it? Was it timely? Did it answer your question adequately, or did it just refer you to a FAQs page? The hallmark of an honest, well run business is great customer service.

Check their reputation. Check with the Better Business Bureau, and see if there have been any complaints filed against them. Also checkout what the forums have to say about them. You can do a search on the program to find posts that mention the program in question.

You need to use a little discernment here. Remember, 95% of all online marketers fail. They fail because of laziness or lack of knowledge. When they fail, many of them blame the program and blast it in the forums. So if one or two people cry scam, it may just be a case of sour grapes.

Well I hope this is of help to you in your quest for success. Remember, anyone can be successful online, if they will follow 8 simple rules:

1. Study to learn everything you can about this business.
2. Apply what you learn.
3. Set realistic long and short term goals.
4. Make a plan to achieve those goals.
5. Work hard towards executing your plan.
6. Stay positive.
7. Be consistent.
8. Dont Give Up.

See you on the beach!

Copyright © Douglas Canary

Doug Canary has been online since 2003. He is the webmaster of Blog50469
Brynne Blog22048

Hartford Auto Insurance Company Is A Financial Giant With A Strong Track Record And Competitive Rates. Maybe It's Time To Switch?

The Hartford Auto Insurance programs offer competitive rates, high-quality coverages and benefits that are more than just a promise - they guarantee it. Wow, now that's some statement.

Lets see why millions of drivers are insured with The Hartford.

Combined Auto and Homeowners Discount

If you insure both your auto and homeowners coverage, you could save as much as 15% off the premiums for both policies.

Passive Restraints Discount

Is your car is equipped with automatic safety belts and/or air bags? If so, The Hartford can save you up to 30% off your medical and/or personal injury coverage.

Renewal Discount

The Hartford offers renewal discounts as a special thank-you for your business. Once your insured with them you'll be eligible to receive this additional discount.

Multi-car Discount

More than one car? You can receive a discount of up to 25% on each car when you insure them with Hartford Auto Insurance Company.

Anti-theft Devices Discount

Do you have car alarms and other anti-theft devices in your car? If you do Hartford Auto Insurance can save you up to 15% off the cost of comprehensive coverage.

Do you park your vehicle in a garage?

Vehicles parked inside garages are not so probable to be stolen and struck by additional vehicles. Owning a garage to park your automobile may give you a slight cost discount.

Other Credits Offered

Depending which state you reside, other credits may be available such as discounts for anti-lock brakes, defensive driving course credits, and more.

AARP Auto Insurance Program

Are you 50+ years? Can you afford $12.50/yr membership fee? Well, AARP offers member discounts for auto insurance through The Hartford. These are benefits and services designed exclusively for members and their changing needs.

You want your auto insurance company there for you when you need them the most, so it's important to know that The Hartford is a long established company that was founded in 1810 and is recognized for its financial strength, superior track record and excellent customer service.

Carley Swift is an expert author when it comes to evaluating your choices in superior insurance information. Get fast answers on the top 10 auto insurance companies and more from Blog23235
Barbe Blog40598

The Negatives Associated with Companies that Offer Lifetime Hosting Plans

Yes, I pay a set amount each and every month for my hosting and some of the additional services cost extra but these companies that offer Lifetime Hosting sound like a great money saver. What I don't understand is where is their incentive to perform each and every month. What if I pay this $100 plus fee and they just shut their company down and I can never find them again.

What about the fact that all they have is a sales page? Nothing deeper than that sales page, no support page, no FAQ page, nothing, nada, zip. With my present host, one of the things that I like, is whenever I call them there is somebody there to answer my call. Their support can be the ticket system, live chat, or phone support which is the one I prefer when I want an answer right then and there.

Just recently, I bought a software product via the WWW using my credit card. The software never came so I disputed the charge. After a month my credit card company sent me an email saying that they found in favor of the merchant because the sale was an intangible product and that I knew the risk before purchasing. So now I am out my $43 what happens when the hosting company takes off with my $100 plus, if I find them will I be able to get my money back?

I try to never buy a product where there is only a sales pages. Sites that don't have an email address or a phone number very rarely will get my business. I especially hate it when you do a Whois lookup and the registrar comes up as private or a bogus name and info.

I also see that these companies offering lifetime hosting usually offer great disk space and I've even seen some of unlimited bandwidth but 2 problems I see here is what if you need more space then what they give you and how many sites out there in the world are using any descent amount of bandwidth. I have 20 different sites and even though it is unfortunate but only 1 of them will ever exceed the use of more than 1Gig of bandwidth. What do I need unlimited bandwidht for?

Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything. http://www.nosugarcoating.infoAdriaens Blog91553
Bonni Blog19665

Kids School Lunches - 13 Alternatives To Promote Healthy Eating And Avoid Fast Food

For parents, providing your kids with healthy, nutritional lunches that they find interesting can be quite a challenge. The "if it is good for you then it must be boring" mentality makes this particularly challenging and you have such favorites as lollies, sweets and fizzy drinks to compete with.

Don't despair, it can be done and here are 13 alternatives to get you started. Instead of...

1. High fat savoury biscuits -- why not try

* Plain dry crackers, rice cakes, corn thins or Scottish oatcakes.

* Raw carrots or celery cut into small pieces are also an excellent choice.

2. Pies, pastry or sausage rolls -- why not try

* Meat or cheese sandwiches or pasta with mince beef sauces (you can buy wheat/gluten free bread and pasta if required).

* Tuna and sweetcorn.

* Brown rice (or white) with tuna and roasted vegetables.

* Falafel (Lebanese delicacy made from chick peas).

3. Processed meats such as frankfurters, salami or other -- why not try

* Mince burger (home made), lentil burgers or bean burgers.

* Leftovers from main meals.

* Quality ham (e.g. Virginia) or cooked bacon, which has been grilled, and the fat/rind removed.

* Quality sausages that are mostly meat and not too fatty (gluten free sausages are a great alternative if you can find them).

4. Biscuits (cream filled or chocolate) -- why not try

* Crackers or plain sweet biscuits, oatcakes, rice crackers or rice cakes.

You can make these interesting by having different topics like tuna and sweet corn or avocado (too much avocado may be regarded as fattening).

5. Chocolate / candy bars - why not try

* Cheese cubes or dried fruit or yoghurt with fresh fruit to add to it.

* Dairy products may make you feel bloated, so sheep's or goat's yogurt make a great alternative to cows yoghurt and have a different texture and taste. They are less bulky and easier to digest).

6. Muesli bars and breakfast bars (these are often full of sugar and preservatives) -- why not try

* Fresh fruit such as grapes, melon cubes, oranges or mandarins/satsumas.

* Nut muesli bars (check the ingredients first though).

7. Cordial or fizzy drinks -- why not try

* Water is the best option to add to any lunch box.

* Dairy, soy or rice milk are also good alternatives.

8. Chocolate spreads -- why not try

* Sesame seed spread (tahini).

* Humous.

* Dip such as yoghurt, avocado or one that you make yourself, dipping for example, pitta bread or cut up vegetables.

9. Lollies / sweets -- why not try

* Dried fruit, nuts and raisins.

* Make a nibbles bag with a variety of nuts and dried fruit and add sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

10. Chips / crisps or hot chips -- why not try

* Hot homemade soups with the addition of sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

* Pecan nuts, almonds and flax seed are all great snacks as they are high in essential fatty acids and are best eaten raw (cooking them can destroy the essential fatty acid component).

The best way to encourage your children to eat these is to add them to soups as an alternative to croutons and to sprinkle them on yoghurt and cereal/muesli in the morning.

11. Fruit leather straps - why not try

* If you have your own fruit drier, then you can dry the fruit yourself.

* Fresh fruit, plain dried fruit e.g. sultanas, dried apricots, mixed nuts, 100% fruit bars.

12. Donuts -- why not try

* Raisin bread (you can buy wheat free raisin bread if required).

* Muffins.

* Flapjacks.

* Scottish oatcakes with a banana.

* Tuna and sweetcorn.

13. Potato crisps, corn chips, or similar snack food - why not try

Rice crackers, or rice cakes with a homemade dip or spread, or a bought one as long as it has a low fat content.

Helen Thompson is a qualified child care worker (Nursery Nurse) and Brain Gym consultant who has spent many years working with children aged between 0 - 8 years. Her website at includes recipes, craft activities and more.Celina Blog98673
Catharina Blog44589

Make an Impact with Your Trade Show Display Graphic Images

So, youve decided on the trade show display you think will best represent your company. And after deciding on the model, the trade show graphics you select are the next most important element to help you really stand out at a trade show your graphics.

Just as you want your trade show display materials to be as professional as possible, you want your trade show display graphic images to be as bold, clean and powerful as possible. The steps to achieving this are quite simple, but require a good marketing foundation, some creativity to develop eye-catching graphics and a thorough understanding of how to prepare those graphics for use in your trade show display.

Here, we are going to focus on the last step gathering information and preparing your trade show graphic for submission to the trade show display companys production department. Each company has a different procedure which makes it essential you work directly with the company from which you purchased your display. Make sure you learn the specifics of each step of the design process, from submitting your graphics files to receiving a proof/sample of how the final product will look.

Below are some details to keep in mind before you call, so you can help make the process as seamless as possible.

Minimum size The files must be appropriately sized in order for the trade show graphics to work. If your image is too small, or the resolution of your photography is too low, blowing it up to a size that will fit your trade show display and accessories will result in a distorted or blurry image. Ask for the smallest and largest acceptable dimensions for your graphic images to avoid needless design steps with the design department.

Lambda or Ink Jet - Lambda graphics produce higher resolution than ink jet graphics, but at a higher price. If you furnish graphics files that are a minimum of 400 dpi, you may be able to get finished graphics that are more than four times that size. If your budget is limited, you an ink jet graphics may be a better option.

Color Match Your version of royal blue may not be the same as the trade show graphic designers version of royal blue. And asking to see an electronic sample can be tricky, because the different settings on different computer monitors can distort the colors appearance and the same goes for printouts as well. Because of this, many designers use CMYK or RGB color models as standardized guidelines for choosing universal colors. Find out which ones your design team follow and choose a color that best represents your company from there.

Fonts It is recommended you include the font files for the different types of fonts used in your trade show display graphic images especially if your graphic combines actual text files with graphic files to create one graphical element or file.

Format Should your trade show graphic be submitted as an Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Quark Xpress or InDesign file? Does the design department prefer a .tif, .pdf, .eps file or some other file format? Also, should you submit your materials on a CD, DVD, ZIP disc or upload it to a FTP site?

Production Time Begin your submission timeline by backtracking from the time you expect to receive the completed trade show display. Ask your customer service rep how long it will take the company to complete the trade show graphic production to determine when you should expect delivery. Dont make the schedule too tight you want to leave some wiggle room for yourself and the designers in case there are any obstacles or last minute details to be worked out.

Your trade show display introduces your company to trade show visitors and prospective clients before they ever meet anyone from your company. Your trade show graphics are the most important part of creating that first impression, and can make or break your image.

By discussing your graphics concept(s) with your customer service rep at the very beginning of the design process you can streamline the process to ensure your trade show graphic images will be the most compelling they can be. Follow these preliminary guidelines to save yourself and the graphic design team time and frustration.

Jim Deady, founder of Showstopper Exhibits, provides online assistance with trade show graphics and materials. Deady brings more than 35 years of advertising experience to the company, which specializes in trade show displays, banner stands and Lambda trade show graphics. For info, visit: Blog23788
Carolee Blog62241

Find The Hidden Treasure

If you find the hidden treasure when you are talking to a potential client, you will dramatically increase your chances of gaining a client. What on earth do I mean by that? This hidden treasure sounds so mysterious.

I would go so far as to say that the majority of people selling never ever find this treasure. In fact, the majority do not even go looking for this treasure. They don't even know it exists and they have no idea how "golden" it is.

The hidden treasure is the "reason why." It is the reason why your potential client wants their problem solved (desire fulfilled) and the reason why they want it solved now. The real reason why is not initially obvious and requires you to go digging for it.

You go digging for the hidden treasure - the reason why - by asking questions. You will probably have to ask several questions to find it. Your potential client may not even know their reason why until you ask questions to uncover it.

Just suppose you sold a weight loss program, and Mrs. Smith contacts you and says she wants to lose weight and is interested in your program. It would be VERY tempting to immediately start telling Mrs. Smith all about your program and the price. Mrs. Smith would probably say thank you for the information and then ring up your competition and ask them about their program and their price too. Why shouldn't she? Wouldn't you?

In fact, telling Mrs. Smith about your weight loss program is what most (90%+) people would do. After all, that is what Mrs. Smith said she is interested in. Yes, but.

Yes, Mrs. Smith is interested in a weight loss program but WHY? What is Mrs. Smith's reason why?

If you go looking for Mrs. Smith's reason why - the hidden treasure - you will not only increase your chances of gaining Mrs. Smith as a client, but you might find more treasure. Let me show you what I mean by continuing with this example.

Suppose that instead of telling Mrs. Smith about your weight loss program, you instead ask: "Mrs. Smith, why is it important for you to lose weight right now? It may well take a few more questions, as Mrs. Smith may not have thought this through, but then Mrs. Smith finally explains that her daughter is getting married in six weeks time and she wants to look great for the wedding photos.

Although Mrs. Smith said she wanted to lose weight, what she really wanted was to look great for the wedding photos. Losing weight is just the vehicle/solution Mrs. Smith has focused on for looking great in the photos.

Now that you have uncovered Mrs. Smith's reason why - the hidden treasure - you can now tailor a solution to meet Mrs. Smith's reason why she needs your program.

I mentioned before that when you find the hidden treasure, you might even find more treasure as well. By tailoring a solution for Mrs. Smith to look great for the wedding photos - you now open up all sorts of other possibilities. Originally it was all about weight loss but weight loss may now only be part of the solution. Your solution could include other services that you offer or that your associates offer, i.e., an exercise program, a stress reduction program, hair styling and makeup, etc.

So by finding the hidden treasure - the reason why - you are able to give Mrs. Smith what she really wants (and it wasn't weight loss). And it could be a lot more than what she previously asked for.

What if there is no hidden treasure to be found? The beauty of going in search of the hidden treasure is that if you can't find it, then chances are the person you're talking with would never become your client at this point in time anyway. So the sooner you can determine this the better it is for both of you.

The example with Mrs. Smith was a simple example but I guarantee that you can apply this principle with your own clients. Go in search of their reasons why. You may well uncover that you can help them in far more ways than both of you thought possible. Plus, if you go in search of the hidden treasure, you will build an even stronger relationship with your clients.

Have fun finding the hidden treasure.

(c) Tessa Stowe, Sales Conversation, 2006. You are welcome to "reprint" this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "about the author" info at the end).
Tessa Stowe helps Coaches, Consultants and Service Professionals who are resisting selling their services as they don't want to be seen as pushy and sales-y. Her FREE monthly Sales Conversation newsletter is full of tips on how to sell your services by just being yourself. Sign up now at http://salesconversation.comArabella Blog73919
Celestyn Blog50966

Pajamas: The Unlikely Romantic Gift

It doesn't matter whom you are giving the gift to, pajamas doesn't seem to be a very romantic gift. But then again, it is a gift that many people will be happy to receive. This is because everyone loves to sleep. Especially after a long tiring day, a comfortable pajama in a warm bed can be one of the greatest highlights of the day.

With the numerous varieties of pajama designs available nowadays. You can find a great set of pajama for anyone, a silk pajama for instance cut in a sexy fashion could be a great gift for your wife. A wool warm pajama could be fantastic to give as a gift to your dad. For any occasion, there is a pajama that anyone could use.

When occasions like Christmas come and you have a long Christmas list, buying them all pajamas in their sizes can be very economical and time saving. You don't have to roam from one department to another. This is a great idea because everybody wears pajamas. No one can have too much of them as they are being used everyday. Want to give something extra to a boss or your best friend? Just add a matching robe to the pajama gift!

This also includes any person at any age. As pajamas are widely produced, you have different designs and different materials used in manufacturing them to ensure that you can find a pajama that will suit their taste. This is a gift that shows a great gesture and shows that you are practical as well.

But aside from just giving away pajamas, you can also buy one for your own. You also would definitely love the warm and cozy feeling of donning a pajama before going to bed. You will definitely feel very pampered and make yourself feel great. If you are comfortable with what you wear when you go to bed, the chances are high that you will have a great sleep. You will wake up in the morning feeling like a million bucks and you have your pajamas to thank for.

When it comes to selecting the pajamas you are going to give as a gift, you can browse the Internet for the great number of online shops that carry them. You can just browse on and see the different designs and materials used to fit the taste of any person. When you buy in bulk, you may even probably get discounts and save some money while spending it. With the vast number of sites available selling pajamas, you can have the pick of the lot and surely find a pajama for every one you know.

There you will also see some pajamas specially designed for romance. These are usually cut and styled sexy and made from different materials. But the most popular is silk and is combined with lace for some revealing designs and feel. The cool and slick feel of the silk pajama is usually what attracts many females to it, not to mention it is very soft and follows the contours of the body.

There will be times when a negligee would be better, but there are moments when a pajama can just do the same. So whether it is for your wife or for your girlfriend, a pajama can be the unlikely romantic gift.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog23276
Cari Blog33326

Camping Safety Tips: Part 2 Camp Fires, Wild Animals, Dangerous Activities

Camping provides a great temporary escape from the stresses and dangers of suburban and urban life. However, the camping experience is fraught with its own set of dangers. The wise camper must take these into account and prepare in advance how to make safety in the woods a high priority and counter the inherent risks.

In part 1 of this two-part series, we looked at safety related to food preparation, preparing clean drinking water, and how to minimize the risk of illness from ticks.

In this second and final part, we will now turn our safety focus to properly handling camp fires, avoidance of wild animals, and giving caution due consideration while walking through any wooded areas.


For many people, the thought of sitting, talking, or singing around a camp fire lies at the heart of the outdoor experience. No fire, no fun. However, a fire handled improperly can lead to inadvertent disaster. So safety is of the essence.

When starting, enjoying, and later putting out a fire, use common sense.

For example, if you are camping when the weather has been dry for a lengthy period of time, it would be safer to skip the camp fire altogether. This issue itself may actually influence your decision on selecting a time to camp.

Additionally, only build fires in camp ground provided areas, such as fire rings. Otherwise, clear out a small area in your camping site, and place rocks around a circle to set the parameters for your fire. Within the circle, dig a hole several inches deep for the wood you will burn.

If you have not brought your own wood on the trip, gather wood that is already dead and lying nearby. Make sure that any leaves close to the fire pit are raked several yards away and that there are no paper products lying on the ground. Throw those in the trash.

Once the fire is started, let it build slowly with smaller twigs and dead branches, only placing larger pieces of wood on the pile as the flame grows. Make sure small children remain several feet away from the flame, as the heat can become intense while it grows. And they certainly should not be close enough that they could slip or trip and fall in.

And finally, never leave a camp fire unattended. When leaving the area (say for a walk) or going to sleep for the night, extinguish the flames. Use a lot of water to douse the flames, saving your clean drinking water when at all possible. Stir the ashes and use more water until the remains are cool enough to the fingers.


Most people do not encounter wild animals when camping in the woods, certainly not up close and personal. But that does not mean they are not living in the habitat and posing a quiet danger to humans. It can definitely be entertaining to spot them from a distance, not to mention serving up great snapshot opportunities with a raccoon, deer, or even a bear. However, in such a situation, distance between you and the animal is one of your best friends.

Never (ever) attempt to feed an animal you encounter. It is not your pet dog or cat and may attack! That is an instinctive response. Even if you make no gestures that seem threatening, the animal may interpret it that way.

If a wild animal approaches you, back away slowly and do nothing to invite its approach.

Minimize your risk of an animal encounters in the first place by wrapping all food securely and putting it away when you have finished eating. Then throw away food-related trash in camp provided trash receptacles.


There is nothing quite like a long, quiet walk in the woods. Remain on paths that have been designed for walks. Use common sense.

* Refrain from hanging on tree branches. Old, dying, or thin wood can easily snap off.

* Avoid walking close to or leaning over steep cliffs, whether they are primarily rock or brush. It would be easy to slip or lose your balance. A subsequent fall could be disastrous.

* Do not attempt to conquer gravity in the opposite direction either. That is, refrain from climbing steeply angled rocks. You are on a camping trip, not a mountain climbing expedition.

* In the winter, never walk on frozen water. Regardless of surface appearance, there is no method to assess how thin and weight-bearing capable the ice may be.

As you can see, the camping experience is not a danger-free zone. The great outdoors certainly provides compelling motivation to seek quiet time with nature. But this activity cannot be done with reckless abandon. In fact, making safety in the woods a habit actually assists with maximizing the many positives of the camping experience.

GreatWay Plus, LLC. Owner: Mike Foster. Check us out at http://www.GreatWayPlus.comApril Blog29852
Carol Blog65990

Prom: The Night You'll Never Forget And It Didn't Even Break Mom And Dad

My daughter's grade 8 grad is coming up in June and I was eagerly thinking of ways to keep the cost down. Even grade 8 grad is a big time in a girls life. This is a night for my daughter to remember but it shouldn't cost me and my husband a fortune.

For many parents prom is an expensive time of year and families are struggling financially to give their son or daughter the perfect night that they will remember a life time. Well there is no reason why you can't give them that night but on a budget you can afford. I have put together ten tips to help you save a few dollars. Attending a prom doesn't have to cost a fortune. Prom night doesn't have to break us. Girls the memories of prom will not be if you spent 20 dollars to get your nails done or arrived in a limo. The memories will be of who you were in school and the special times that you all shared.

1. The Tuxedo: Boys why bother renting that tuxedo when you can purchase a nice suit that you can wear again for under the cost of renting that tuxedo.

2. Hair and makeup: Girls the cost of hair and makeup is expensive. The boys are lucky they dont have to fork out this one. Hair, Makeup youre looking at an additional 80 dollars. For makeup call your local department store and see about getting your make up done on Prom day, also call around to your local salons and see if they have a package deal that includes both hair and makeup. You can also save money by having your mother put up your hair. Look at some of the styles for prom online and make a fun night with mom practicing the styles before the prom. You could also get in touch with Mary K and plan a makeup party early in the afternoon on prom day and the Mary K host will do your makeup free.

3. Limos: They are nice but they are so traditional and cost a lot. Why not gather a group of your friends together and do something off the wall. Arrive at your prom on the city bus or contact your school and rent a school bus for the evening and have all your friends pitch in.

4. The dress: Girls purchasing a new dress will cost you 200 dollars and for what something you wont wear again or will sit in your keep sake box. Why not shop on Ebay or your local used clothing store and get a dress for under the cost and then just pay the additional cost to have it dry cleaned. You may also want to check around with family and see if they have a bridesmaids dress or maybe your cousin still has her prom dress that you can borrow.

5. The flowers: Purchasing flowers from the flower store is going to cost you around 20 dollars. You can go to the craft store purchase the supplies to make your own corsages and boutonni for half the cost. They are so simple and fun to make. Make a fun day of it and invite your g/f over to make them with you.

6. The photos: Why hire a professional photographer when you can have dad take some nice photos with his digital camera and you can delete the ones that you dont like. Then you can save even more money by emailing them to friends and family.

7. Parties: Save on the big prom party. Gather a bunch of your friends together and have a fun post prom party. Some ideas might be a pool party or a bowling party.

8. The Jewelry: Girls, girls why pay the expensive cost of Jewelry when Mom and Grandma might have their own personal jewelry store right in their bedroom. The sentiments of borrowing something from Grandma will be more special than anything new that you purchase from the store for this special day.

9. The dinner: Save money by having a backyard barbeque or a romantic dinner at home with candles and the works and order take out.

10. Nails and Shoes: If your city has a beauty school, you can make a nail appointment and have a student put nails on you for a discounted price . You can exchange shoes with friends or purchase a nice pear of white pumps that you can wear again and again.

I hope that these ten useful tips will help you save money and still have your unforgettable night.

Rose DesRochers is the founder of Today's Woman Writing Community, a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18. Rose is also the founder of Blogger Talk Blog Community, a friendly fast growing blogging portal, offering bloggers support, advice, tools, tips and information about blogs and blogging. More articles by Rose DesRochers can be read at http://rose-desrochers.netCatie Blog65904
Bibi Blog21522

Shipping the Problem Elsewhere

I was reading a recent survey that said if given the choice, most people would rather get increased healthcare coverage than a pay raise. We in the industry know it's a mess and that many people delay getting treatment for fear of depleting their savings. The current state of healthcare in America can literally be deadly.

Which is why I wasn't surprised to read an article that stated many patients are now going overseas for their healthcare. Get a load of this:

"Carl Garrett of Leicester, N.C., will fly to a state-of-the-art New Delhi hospital in September for surgeries to remove gallstones and to fix an overworn rotator cuff. His employer, Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. of Canton, N.C., will pay for it all, including airfare for Garrett and his fiancee. The company also will give Garrett a share of the expected savings, up to $10,000, when he returns. "

That's right! We're not only shipping jobs overseas, we're now shipping patients there, too! Of course, if this trend continues, we will essentially be sending jobs for medical professionals overseas by default.

I don't know about you, but this embarrasses me deeply. I didn't get into healthcare management to only help treat the people who were lucky enough to have coverage or could afford it. Ill health doesn't discriminate, it potentially affects us all, and the longer we let the situation get out of hand, the more bizarre and defeating solutions will be found by companies and individuals who are fed up with the status quo.

I got a good response to a previous article about people going overseas for medical procedures because it costs less. If you don't mind, I'd like to respond to some of the comments.

The first commenter said:

" you, (I) entered healthcare management (twenty years in hospital administration, consulting and eight managing medical practices)to help based on my non clinical skills. I worked largely in innercity hospitals and then transitioned to medical practice management. There I became more jaundiced with the attitudes of specialty physicians. Behind the scenes the focus of a surprising number of doctors was on paying patients, although periodically altrusim did shine through. I had to look carefully for the quiet ones who took care of patients and did not bluster at the closed door business meetings. When things got tough they would speak up, but only when really pushed. Rhetorically, I wonder why organized medicine, and our lofty management societies and associations don't focus more on the caring side, the professional side, the hippocratic side."

Here again, someone says it better than I can. Another reader makes a good point based on experience:

"Why would H/care be exempt from the global marketplace? Health care services are a product that is consumed by consumers (patients). Accordingly, patients will shop for services. Consumerism in health care has been a long time coming. For instance, my family went to Colombia to get dental work done for a fraction of what it would cost here, and we managed to add in a vacation. Now the one thing to consider, is what if there are complications, is the company going to fly the employee back to resolve the complication? (Probably not)."

Actually, I don't blame the patients for taking advantage of better deals in other countries. Your trip to Colombia sounds like a marvelous combination of business and pleasure, although I wonder if your vacation wasn't affected by the dental work! Still, you ask a great question at the end, and while I'd suppose it depends on the company and the agreement worked out in advance, another reader makes this excellent point:

"You got it right when you said 'COMPLICATIONS'. Try suing the doctor overseas and see how far you get. The malpractice piece is a large part of our health care dollar."

Then there was this comment by Lifeline Medical Associates President/CEO Jack Feltz that eloquently summed up the frustrations he experiences heading the largest provider of women's healthcare in New Jersey:

"One of the biggest wastes of resources is practicing defensive medicine because of the medical liability crisis and lack of meaningful tort reform in New Jersey and elsewhere. Physicians, I believe tend to order more and more tests because they are frightened not to. If there is a bad outcome you can bet there will be an attorney and expert to say they should have ordered every test imaginable. This is tragic, making health care unaffordable. I would rather see these wasted dollars go towards cures for breast cancer, immunizing poor children, improving care and keeping healthcare in the hands of expert doctors and nurses in the U.S.A."

I think you make an excellent point, Jack (may I call you "Jack?"). If only more CEO's had your sense of compassion. I often forget the legal part of the equation because I am so frequently enmeshed in battles with insurance carriers. Or to again quote yet another reader who says it better than I can:

"Insurance carriers are problematic, and don't pay or delay paying claims, and then don't pay them according to the appropriate fee schedule. This means patients get billed eventually for services that should have been covered. Unhappy patients complain to employers about coverage. Employers decide to go elsewhere. This doesn't reflect on American physicians, it reflects on American insurance carriers. "

Exactly. Personally, I think the solution to our healthcare crisis will have to combine tort reform with insurance reform. Outsourcing illness is a symptom of a diseased system. In the end, our political representatives will have to summon the will to play doctor and cure this problem. As I noted in my previous post, their inaction on this issue is deadly.

Anne RimmerBobette Blog61217
Bari Blog67170

3 Things You Need To Know About Teak Furniture

Teak is a popular wood with furniture makers and buyers across the world. Once heavily used, the deforestation of teak is now strictly controlled to ensure a continued and rejuvenated supply of wood. What is it that makes teak so desirable?

1. Strength

Teak is a hard wood. It is strong and durable, able to withstand extremes of heat and cold. Whilst this makes it excellent wood for outdoor furniture, it also means that it can provide a lifetime and more of use indoors. Its durability means that it is unlikely to suffer from rotting or many other afflictions that can attack other woods. Using the right type of teak good quality wood with high quantities of oil and rubber can result in beautiful pieces of furniture that can take whatever your home and throw at them.

2. Beauty

The colour and grain of teak wood makes it one of the most attractive to furniture makers and home owners. Whilst outdoor teak furniture can be left to the elements and become an elegant silver-grey colour, teak used for indoor purposes is often oiled to retain its warm golden colour. Its strength is a real plus-point for furniture designers, who can produced a range of pieces that may not be viable using other, softer woods, which often means that you have a wider range of choice in teak furniture than in many other woods.

3. Adaptability

The natural benefits of teak; strength, durability, warm colour, resistance to termites or other damaging elements, make it an extremely adaptable wood. Its water-resistant properties and tendency not to splinter easily made it a favourite for shipbuilders for hundreds of years and it has since been used for a wide range of both indoor and outdoor furniture. From large dining room tables to elegant cabinets and patio furniture, teak has the flexibility that many furniture makers are looking for today.

Napton Teaks specialises in teak and rosewood furniture for your home. Visit our website now by clicking on Blog46917
Brynne Blog22048

Secrets of Perfume Ingredients

While today's favorite fragrances come to you from a manufacturing plant, ancient perfumers used natural ingredients and traditional methods to make fragrant products. Since many of these original ingredients were also used in ancient pharmacies, even until the 18th century, perfume was widely regarded as an antiseptic and even medicine as much as a cosmetic.

Mentioned in the Bible and other ancient texts, frankincense and myrrh were substances so valuable they rivaled even gold. Frankincense is a resin from a gum tree that is produced in shapes called "tears" when the bark of the scraggly Boswallia tree is disturbed. These trees are rare and grow mainly in arid Middle Eastern lands and require hand-harvesting, contributing to their exorbitant price.

Today, a fragrant product that uses frankincense is Love Butter by Carol's Daughter.

Myrrh, called a "bitter perfume" in the Christmas Carol "We Three Kings of Orient Are," is also used today. Myrrh is a gum resin produced from a bush-like desert plant. In Arabic, the name Myrrh means "bitter" and this burnt orange looking substance does indeed have a strong, bitter aroma. Originally used as incense, today Yves St. Laurent's Opium and Rage of the Seven Sinful Scents by Gendarme list myrrh as an ingredient.

Patchouli and sandalwood are both aromatic woods that come from Asia. Patchouli is grown in the East and West Indies while sandalwood comes from Nepal (about the farthest North it grows), India, Hawaii and Australia. While synthetics are often used today for these endangered woods, they have both been around for millennia as fragrance ingredients and have been prized for their healing properties.

The best-known patchouli scent on the market right now by far is Thierry Mugler's Angel. Mugler is a French perfumist and his unique Angel perfume is one of those love-it-or-hate-it kind of scents.

Sandalwood is used in aromatherapy and also does double-duty in the perfume world since it can serve as a fixative or anchor to other scents. Sandalwood has never really gone out of style. Today it's in lots of scents, including Dior Addict by Dior, Escada Magnetism, Hanae Mori Butterly, and the Cartier scent Delices de Cartier.

Amber has got to be one of the most surprising and unusual things that is put into perfume. People who hear that a perfume contains amber typically think of the golden resin used to make jewelry. Actually, that amber is not used in perfume making.

This amber is a short (and nicer-sounding) term for ambergris. Ambergris could be picked up along the coastline and was harvested this way for hundreds of years. It was a gray substance that beachcombers could pick up and sell to factories that used it for a variety of products. Since it had a very distinctive aroma, it was used in perfumery. Ambergris did not smell wonderful by itself, but it blended well with other ingredients and became a staple in perfume-making even before people knew what it was.

Even today, we don't really know what ambergris is, and perhaps we don't want to know. Sometime in the 19th century, it was known that this mysterious gray substance, which unpredictably appeared on the beaches of North America and other places, was associated with sperm whales. Today, it is thought that ambergris is a substance that sperm whales regurgitate after dining on their favorite meal of squid.

Be that as it may, amber in perfume today is synthetic stuff, made to mimic the scent of the original ambergris. Amber is found in Dolce and Gabbana's Light Blue, Vera Wang Princess, and Stella by Stella McCartney, to name a few.

As much as perfume relies on ancient ingredients, including plants (lavender), spices (cinnamon, cloves), flowers (roses, gardenias, honeysuckle, lilies) and fruits (orange, lemon, peach), it also relies on new ingredients.

The biggest "new thing" in perfume is the fact that today we live in a global village. Flowers indigenous to exotic lands can be easily obtained and put into perfume. We can now take advantage of Eastern spices, South Pacific flowers, North American musk, and Indian woods. Of course, much of this happens at the lab level, meaning in the form of synthetics. This helps preserve natural resources and makes perfume quality more uniform.

Another interesting new wrinkle in the perfume world occurred in the 1920s with the advent of a chemical substance called aldehyde. Aldehyde is a synthetic odor molecule but unlike other synthetics, this wasn't a fake anything. Aldehyde was artificial and not meant to mimic anything natural. It has a distinctive "sparkly" quality to it and is often mixed with florals. Probably the best known aldehyde scent in the world is the perennial favorite, Chanel No. 5. The creator of Chanel No. 5, Ernst Breaux, also created Evening in Paris, a much more difficult scent to find, but another one that uses sparkling aldehyde notes.

Today, we've added to our roster of synthetics plus we've blended more and more exotic ingredients together. Technology has also allowed us to capture unusual scents in perfume-you can find perfumes today listing "ozone" as an element or "chocolate."

Joanna McLaughlin is a freelance writer who spends too much time at the perfume counter. For more information on perfume ingredients visit . For merchandise that shows you to be a woman of fragrance, please visit http;// Joanna's favorite perfume today is Clear by Niel Morris.Annamaria Blog56502
Ardene Blog51599

Golf Cart Seat Covers

When you are in the market to purchase golf cart seat covers, you need to consider several factors. You will need to find a reputable dealer that sells golf cart seat covers. The dealer does not have to specialize in this item, but sometimes it can be helpful to the consumer. A specialized dealer will have access to a higher quality supplier and a greater variety of materials.

It is important to remember that golf cart seat covers need to be made to fit your particular make and model of golf cart. There are Universal Fit Seat Covers, but you should still verify with the dealer that your particular model can use this product. Upholstery needs to do more for you than just look good. The upholstery needs to be durable and look good. You should shop around until you find a high quality selection of fabrics in a variety of styles.

You should ask the dealer that you are using how much foam backing they will use on the golf cart seat covers. Foam backing is important for added comfort. A comfortable seat will be more enjoyable.

When you have made all of your decisions and have bought your golf cart seat covers, you will need to prepare your golf cart for installation. A Universal Fit Seat Cover installation is pretty straightforward. You will need to remove the headrests from your cart. You will need to pull the seat cover over the top of the seat and pull it down over the seat. The bottom of the seat cover should fit snugly over the seat bottom.

An "S" hook should be provided with your golf cart seat cover and you should fasten the elastic straps under seat with supplied "S" hooks. Tie the supplied cord in position to ensure that the seat cover is held in shape. With a razor blade, cut small holes for your headrest or latches only after the golf cart seat cover is completely installed. After the holes are made, re-insert the headrest into your seat.

To maintain the quality of your golf cart seat covers, periodic and timely maintenance is required. Liquid stains should be allowed to dry and then cleaned with a sponge and a common household detergent. Dirty oil and grease stains should be first spot cleaned with a cleaning fluid containing Naptha to remove the solvent soluble matter. Any stain residue should be cleaned by an upholstery or rug shampoo.

It is always best to use a carpet cleaner on the Seat Cover while it is on the seat. That way you will avoid unnecessarily taking your golf cart seat covers off and on the seat. Always read the instructions carefully before cleaning any seat cover fabric to make sure that it is compatible with the fabric being cleaned.

Your golf cart seat covers dealer will let you know the fabric type at time of purchase. Even though manufacturer instructions are pretty clear about what fabrics can and cannot be cleaned with their product, always clean or test a small area of your golf cart seat covers before applying large amounts of cleaner.
Chuck Brusser works as a golf cart technician for various country clubs around his home. For his work, he finds it advantageous to keep a notebook on the common problems and fixes of the various brands and models that he works on. At , he makes this information open to the public to facilitate the evaluation of the different models of golf carts.Alli Blog67371
Arda Blog71763

A Fire Safety Escape Plan Tells Everyone What To Do If Your Home Catches On Fire.

In 2004, the 410 thousand residential fires in America caused more than 14 thousand injuries and 3 thousand deaths, according to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA). You can prevent fire-related deaths and injuries, and even most residential fires by being knowledgeable about fire safety. Ensure your and your family's safety by creating an escape plan, teaching children fire safety and fire-proofing your home.

Fire Safety Escape Plan

A fire safety escape plan tells everyone what to do if your home catches on fire. Your family needs to discuss fire safety issues, and design an escape plan for your home. The escape plan needs to inform everyone in your family of the two safest routes out of each room in your house and where to meet once outside.

When discussing fire safety issues with your family, it is also a good idea to talk about each person's responsibilities in the case of a fire, such as who helps whom out of the house. Be sure to explain to each family member to crawl to a safe exit; don't stop to save anything, and, if possible, to alert others by yelling "FIRE!" or beating on doors as they crawl by.

Fire Safety and Kids

Fire safety and education begins with children. Tragically, children cause over thousands of residential fires each year, the majority stemming from children playing with matches. You need to teach your children to obey the following fire safety rules: Never play with matches or lighters, always have an adult help you when cooking, never touch gasoline or any other flammable liquids.

Always STOP, DROP, AND ROLL! If you or your clothes catch on fire. Never place anything into an electrical outlet and always get help from an adult if something catches on fire.

Your children are the most important people in your life, so educate them about fire safety and prevention.

Fire Safety and Your Home

Electrical fires are the most common type of residential fires in America. The following fire safety tips lower the probability of residential electrical fires: Don't overload outlets or piggy-back extension cords, Keep all combustible items, such as hairspray and household cleaners, away from all heaters, Check all electrical tools and appliances for frayed or cracked cords, Purchase electrical appliances that meet the Underwriter's Laboratory's (UL) safety requirements and Keep children away from electrical appliances, such as heaters and irons.

Electric stoves, ovens, stereos, heaters, and clothes dryers are responsible for the majority residential electrical fires. Follow all manufacturers' instructions, and use all appliances carefully and responsibly. Sometimes, no matter the precautionary fire safety steps you take, an electrical fire can still occur. If this happens, knowing the proper fire safety procedure is invaluable in keeping your home safe. Shut off burning appliances by unplugging the cord, Put out small fires with your home fire extinguisher, Do not put water on electrical fires, Get everyone out of the house and Do not try to handle large fires by yourself; call 911, report the fire, and tell them it is an electrical fire.

Educating yourself and your family on fire safety helps to lower your chances of a residential fire and gives you the knowledge of what to do in the case of a fire.

Ralph Winn has over 32 years of experience in the security industry. Throughout his career, he has developed cost effective security programs for numerous small, medium, large commercial and government properties and for many nationally known corporations. Blog20052
Caralie Blog34758

Debt Consolidation May Be an Important Resource for Home Business Owners

One of the main reasons that viable and otherwise sound businesses fail is that owners lack financial resources to weather the first difficult months and even years. Starting a freelance or other home-based enterprise can be a lucrative venture, but it is highly unlikely the rewards will roll in early in the game.

Most business advisors recommend that a new business owner sock away enough money to support himself for a year or more before embarking on a business.

This does not mean that the business will not take in money, even early on. The usual course of small business is that business starts slowly at first and builds, often in fits and spurts. However, small businesses will have a disproportionate amount of expenses in these first months and years.

You'll be surprised by the expenditures you'll have in the first year; you have to buy all of your equipment, supplies, permits, software, and so on. These seemingly minor items can end up costing you thousands of dollars. Covering those expenses can be tough. Even when a new business starts to earn money, it is not unusual for it to post losses in the early months because necessary expenditures simply outpace earnings.

Besides saving money for the day you start your business, you should also work very hard to reduce your personal expenditures. Anything that can be paid off before you start your business should be paid off. Besides, it will be good practice for the new business owner to practice living more frugally! Most new businesses will take a lot of financial flexibility and learning how to live on less is a great skill that just about every business owner will tell you is important.

If you have debt (and who doesn't?) you may want to consider something known as debt consolidation. Before you get riled up, debt consolidation is not bankruptcy or debt settlement. It's a perfectly legal, ethical way to roll your many small debts together in one package and then negotiate a better loan on the large amount. The idea behind debt consolidation is that you may be able to restructure (consolidate) your debt in such a way that you will have to pay less interest to pay it off.

Debt consolidation won't hurt your credit report. In fact, it could actually improve it! That's because debt consolidation means you get a big loan to pay off your smaller debts. Paying off a debt usually improves your credit. And if you manage the larger debt consolidation loan well, that will help your credit, too.

By the way, a good credit score is essential for a new business owner!

But how does it work? In theory, you gather your debts. Let's say you owe $5,000 on a department store credit card that charges 22% a year interest. That may sound exorbitant, but it is not all that unusual. The interest on a loan like that is $1,100 a year!

Let's say you have some other loans. For the purpose of illustration, let's say you have one credit card maxed out to $10,000 at 16% ($1,600 interest a year) and another credit card that charges 14% where you've charged $3,200 ($448 a year in interest).

Put these three amounts together and add them up. You'll end up with $18,200 in debt. Now let's just say for theory's sake that you can find a new loan for $18,200 that charges just 12% interest. You get that new loan, use it to promptly pay off your three charge cards, and now you pay off the one new loan. By the way, 12% of $18,200 is $2,184 in interest a year.

Consolidating that debt saves you $964 a year in interest. You have to pay $80 a month less. If you are really savvy, you'll take that $80 and apply it toward the principal. You spend the same exact amount of money, but you will get out of debt significantly faster.

That's a small picture of debt consolidation. You can also roll in car notes, student loans, medical bills, and other debts.

Of course, debt consolidation can be tricky. First, it may not work for you-you may owe money but at rates that are already as low as you can get. Second, you might want to get a lower-interest-rate loan but cannot qualify. It helps if you own your own home, but even if you do not, there are other ways to consolidate your debt.

If you can consolidate and pay off your debt, you'll have a tremendous business edge, one that is hard to appreciate until you've been in business for a while. The lower you can reduce your expenses and the more adjustable you are to living modestly during the early years of your business, the more freedom you'll have and the more time you'll have to give your business the start it deserves!

Jo Ann LeQuang has owned and operated her own business for five years in Texas. Find out what she does at and, if you're a writer interested in a home-based business, check out .Anastasie Blog83332
Alex Blog66221

4 Things To Consider When Applying To College

When applying for college, do you only think about what you're going to do when you get there? Or do you think about what the college is going to do for you? Applying for college isn't just about fun and games, it's about picking the right college; the college that will help you succeed. So the next time you sit down to fill out those college applications, keep these four tips in mind:

1. Goals.

How often have you heard friends wish theyd gone to a different college? A college that was more suited to their interests and dreams and not their checkbook? A big mistake is to assume that every college has what youre looking for. Take the time to research the colleges youre interested in and rank them by academics: courses, degrees, accreditations, and the ability to transfer and further your education.

2. Interests.

As much you want an education, if its not fun and exciting, youre sure to stop attending classes. So the next thing on your list to rank is interests: what are the teachers like? Do they make class fun and interesting or do they simply read from a list of notes in a monotone voice?

3. Extra-curricular Activities.

Lets face it, no college would be complete without fraternities, sporting events, clubs, and so forth. But what you need to keep in mind is how these events and clubs will benefit you in the future. Will they look good on your resume? Will they provide additional skills? Or are they simply a fun way to get distracted?

4. Financing.

No matter what your list says, the final ranking truly does come down to finances. If you dont have the funds to attend college, youll need scholarships, grants, and student loans. Make sure your college admissions officer understands how these programs work so that you get the best deal possible.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Beverley Blog56255
Beverie Blog86532

Cisco PIX/ASA Security Appliance: How to Configure Banners

Banners can be configured to display when a user first connects (MOTD), when a user logs in (login), or when a user accesses privileged mode (exec). Banners are used for legal warnings such as when a user is cautioned not to access a restricted system or that their access of a system is subject to monitoring and logging. Banners are also used on locked systems placed at customer locations by service providers to provide contact information for device access or technical support. The Cisco security appliance supports the use of login banners in console sessions and Telnet sessions, but not in SSH sessions. Exec and MOTD banners are supported in console, Telnet, and SSH sessions. Banners can be up to 510 characters in length. You can create multiple line banners either by creating multiple banner statements or by using the keystroke sequence of "\n" which inserts a carriage return.

Here's how banners are displayed:

MOTD Banners--When usernames are not configured, MOTD displays at login in a serial console session and before login in Telnet sessions. When usernames are configured, MOTD displays before login in a Telnet session and after login in a serial console session.

Login Banners--The login banner displays before login in Telnet and serial console sessions.

Exec Banners--The exec banner displays upon login in all sessions.

How to Configure a Banner

Note: The following procedures were tested on an ASA 5505 Security Appliance running software version 7.22. Other hardware or software platforms may require modification of these procedures in order to function properly.

To configure a banner, use the following configuration mode commands:

asa(config)#banner motd This is a restricted system.
asa(config)#banner motd Do not attempt unauthorized access.

Notice the use of two banner motd statements to create a multi-line banner. As mentioned previously, you can also use the "\n" key sequence to insert a carriage return.

You can view the banners you created with the following privileged mode command:

asa#show running-config banner

Hands-On Exercise: Creating Banners on the Security Appliance

The following procedures are for training purposes only and should only be performed on devices in a laboratory environment. Under no circumstances should these procedures be performed on equipment in a live, production environment without first verifying their suitability in a laboratory environment.

In the following hands-on exercise, you will create MOTD, login, and EXEC banners.

Step 1: In configuration mode, enter the following commands:

asa(config)#banner motd This is the MOTD banner
asa(config)#banner login This is the login banner
asa(config)#banner exec This is the EXEC banner

Step 2: Display the banners you just created with the following command:

asa(config)#show running-config banner

Step 3: Type exit repeatedly until you are logged out of your laboratory security appliance.

Notice which banners are displayed.

Step 4: Enter privileged mode with the command "enable" and notice which banners are displayed.

Step 5: From your laboratory computer, start a Telnet session and again observe which banners are displayed. When you are finished, exit the Telnet session.

Step 6: Also from your laboratory computer, start an SSH session and again observe which banners are displayed. When you are finished, exit the SSH session.

Note: The above procedures are similar to the procedures used to configure banners on other Cisco devices including routers.

Copyright (c) 2007 Don R. Crawley

Don R. CrawleyBette Blog37770
Beatrice Blog27928

Surveys and Interim Management

Research Undertaken into Interim Management

The most important factors in choosing an Interim Management provider were said to be such aspects as:- industry knowledge, track record efficiency, cost and lastly being recommended. Respondents were also asked :- How they viewed Interim Management as a resourcing option, now and as a resource in the future? On a scale of 1-5 (one being most important ) users rated its current importance at 2.6 and interestingly its importance in the future increases to 2.1 thus supporting the reported growth rate of the sector.

Apparently the growth rate usage of Interim Managers is around 30% per annum as indicated by research from both the Executive Grapevine U.K.s leading provider of information on human resources consultants and Aties the Interim Management industrys professional body and surveys carried out to examine how the rate of Interim Managers is viewed within the industry and to look at ways Interim Managers have assisted organisations, together with benefits delivered.

Out of responses analysed a total of 75% were from MDs, CEOs and H.R Directors from the normal decision makers in the hiring of Interm Managers the balance being other directors and HR Managers. A broad mix of industry and company size participated service and manufacturing industries and the public sector who contributed 10%. One quarter of respondents came from companies with less than 250 employees 47% had between 251 and 1,500, with 28% having more than 2,500.

It is interesting to observe that 95% of the respondents agreed with the definition of Interim Management as the use of Senior Executives on contract to manage a business function or project, since there has been a tendency for some non-management temporary workers to be re-branded by their supplier workers as Interim Managers a trend which only confuses the seniority of real Interim Managers and the potential value that they are able to bring to enterprises. 70% found Interim Managers could be used instead of short term executives, contractors or temporary workers, whilst the remainder ( 30% ) found them an alternative to Project Managers or Management Consultants.

The main functions in which Interim Managers were utilised were in General Management, HR and IT followed by Operations, Production and Finance. The figures were not significantly different from those who would consider using Interim Managers in the future, except that sales and marketing and logistics were slightly ahead ( of operations, production and HR. )

Those who have experienced the service were to :- fill an unplanned gap as a project manager, followed by change management to fill a planned gap and in crisis management. Among those without experience using Interim Management resource, project management was still at the top of the list possible future uses, but filling gaps ( planned or unplanned ) did not feature in the top five, being replaced by testing a new opportunity (16%) change management (14%) and crisis management (13%)

Satisfaction among users of Interim Managers were found to be very high, with two thirds rating their experiences 1 or 2 ( on a scale of 1-5 ) and a further 27% rating 3. Only a small 4% appeared to have registered any dissatisfaction, with no respondent giving the least rating of 5.

By and large, organisations which had utilised an Interim Manager did experience the most important benefits they had expected among the top five ( both expected and experienced from a prompted list of 13 features) were :- deliver results, knowledge, experience, commitment and immediacy. Typically those attributes that clients would naturally expect Interim Managers to bring to a project.

It is worth considering too, that the cost and value is not as simple as looking at the rate per day and expenses when submitting Interim Executives . Research suggests that the costs of Interims are recovered at least threefold on average, making them a very cost efficient option; but perhaps the most important consideration is opportunity cost.

J Hadley writes on behalf of Executive Interims - Supply Chain Practice. See: Blog48834
Annelise Blog34760

Get Financial Peace at Low Cost with Unsecured Loans

Money is a very important element of a stress free smooth life. But there have been situations in your life when you feel outraged and disappointed just because of your dwindling financial state. To overcome situations like this one helping hand can prevent you from disappointment and can help your life run as smooth as ever. Low cost unsecured loans are one such opportunity that can provide you money to fulfill all your wishes.

Low cost unsecured loans are as the name itself suggests cheap loans that are available without any security. There may be various reasons why you cannot put a security against the loan. An unsecured loan thus is available to you if you are a tenant, non-homeowner, a student etc. you want a loan. Low rate unsecured loans are also available if you own a property but still you do not wish to put it at risk.

With low cost unsecured loans, you can seek an amount ranging from 1000 to 25,000, for a period of 6months to 10 years. The interest rate will depend upon the amount you borrow and the repayment you choose. Since lenders offer low cost loans, you need not worry about interest rate. Even if you have a bad credit history, you do not need to get upset as low rate unsecured loans are available to individuals having poor credit score, arrears, defaults, bankruptcy, or any County Court Judgment. These loans can help you borrow money in a very reasonable rate which you can repay easily. Easy repayment will both make your bad credit turn good and increase your chances of getting a cheap loan in future.

You can use low cost unsecured loans for your numerous purposes. These are multipurpose loans and can be used for debt consolidation, paying off medical or educational bills, to meet wedding or holiday expenses and many more.

With a low cost unsecured loan, you will save a huge amount of money and time as well. In order to avail these loans you do not have to find lenders and contact them personally. Now you can get in touch with the kind of lender you want while just sitting at home! Yes, online lenders offer you this convenient and cost effective mode of lending the money through internet. They will simply ask you to fill an online application form where you will have to give details about your credit history and some important details. After submitting the form, your loan will be approved in a very short time and the money will also reach you soon. This is a very cost effective and fast mode of availing low cost unsecured loans.

Getting money when you need it is not an easy task. You have to apply effort and time in order to get your wishes fulfilled. Low cost unsecured loans offer you one such opportunity where you can do away with all these efforts and get easy and fast financial support.

Elizabeth Swann is currently working as an expert author for Instant Decision Unsecured Loan. She writes for loans and finance and provides advices on such issues. For more details including low cost unsecured loans, Unsecured Loans for UK Tenants, unsecured loans with poor credit, online personal unsecured loans, Unsecured Loans Tenants, Small Personal Unsecured Loans visit Anetta Blog78089
Caitrin Blog28441

With Secured Bad Credit Loans At Your Service You Can Beat The Heat Of A Poor Track

Considered high-risk borrowers and defaulters people with a bad credit scores in the past often face lots of trouble while securing a loan. Bad credit secured loans are a healthy way for banks to facilitate defaulters with financial aid while at the same time securing their own interest in the shape of a collaterals or securities which they demand from the borrower.

Well understanding how dreaded the term bad credit ratings is , in the financial market it is not difficult to picture what a borrower would have to go through, in the process of securing financial aid in shape of a loan from a back etc

But with secured bad credit loans at your service you can beat the heat of a poor track records and financial crisis easily. Its a simple give and take scenario where a lender asks the borrower to pledge a collateral, preferably a property to the bank while securing a loan. However the bank is entitled to stake claim on the security in case of any failures in repayments from the borrower.

This is a practice that allows the banks and lenders to be able to give a loan to a past defaulter with a guarantee of no loss in case of any troubles in repayments in future.

While it also is an opportunity for the borrower to obtain financial aid when he requires it the most besides giving him a chance to improve his credit ratings for the future by repaying the loan with no arrears and penalties.

Alexa Wilsoon is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his master in Business Administration and is currently assisting Chance4financ as a finance specialist. For more information please visit: Blog37429
Andriana Blog87581

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